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Superbowl UK

Enjoy Tenpin bowling in Aldershot at Superbowl UK, featuring fun arcade games and soft play areas. Book now!


About this location

Superbowl are proud to identify themselves as the UK’s Ultimate Family Entertainment Centre, with the aim of delivering memorable and fun experiences to all of their guests. They have the ability as a family run business to engage with the local community to make it more personal and relatable to their town.

Superbowl UK Aldershot have something for the whole family to enjoy. Hosting Tenpin Bowling, Crazy Club Soft Play, Laser Quest, Ninja Tag, Crazy Golf, Sega Amusement Arcade, Boutique Bar and Diner.

They will operate on a last admissions basis.

Superbowl Aldershot offers...

  • Kidz for Quids: £2 per child and £4 per adult
  • Weekday Saver: Game of bowling for £6.99 per person
  • Student Vibez: 2 games & drinks for £9.99
  • Weekend Loading: £2 games every Thursday

View full list here.

Superbowl Aldershot parking is located at Morrisons and has a 500-space underground car park which allows up to a maximum of 4 hours free parking.

Opening times

9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 12:00am
9:00am - 12:00am
9:00am - 11:00pm